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Version: 4.2

supOS supports installation of third-party applications with required packing methods, and running them on supOS.

Setting Quota Verification

Running applications on supOS take up system resources. To prevent overuse of server resource, quota verification is necessary before installing application.

  1. Log in to supOS, and then click to go to the design center.
  2. Select APP Management > App Runtime Management, and then enable Quota verification on the top.
  • When Quota verification is disabled, no resource limits are applied.
  • It can only be enabled when all installed applications are stopped.
Install available quotaThe result of APP total quota*Quota overrun ratio-Total installed apps limit.
Actual usageThe actual usage of installed applications.
Total installed apps limitThe occupied resources of all installed applications.
APP total quotaThe assigned resources for installing applications.
  • Minimum: CPU 3vC/RAM 3G
  • Maximum: OS total resource-supOS resource (supOS/X-BD/X-ETL/X-DAM included)-system resource (5% generally)
Quota overrun ratioResource applications occupy/APP total quota ratio. When the resource your application needs exceeds APP total quota*Quota overrun ratio, the app cannot be installed.
  1. Click OK.

Installing Application

  1. On App Runtime Management, click Local Installation.
  2. Select the application package (.zip), and then click Open.

If the application package has not defined its resource requirements, you need to define them in the pop-up window during uploading.

  1. After the package uploaded, click Start under Operation to start the application.

The installed application can only be displayed after permission assigned.

Operation Description


You can set the number of copies of the application directly on the application list if it supports multiple copies.

Purchased APPThe list of applications you purchased from Bluetron app store after logging in your Bluetron ID from the upper-right corner.
Start/StopSelect multiple applications, and start/stop them together.
Task QueueDisplays the start/stop tasks of selected applications.
UpgradeUpload new version installation package to update the current application.
  • The version number must be larger and application name must be the same.
  • Quato and permission will be the same as the older version.
Update ConfigurationDirectly update the application configuration without new package upload. Normally used for update license and token.
Authorized CompanyGrant access of the current application to designated companies.